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About the Author

       "Shoot for the MOON. Even if you miss, you'll land among the STARS." - Norman Vincent Peale 
       I am Police Cadet Mharverick Esmilla Bigueras, 25 years old from Sibul, Orani, Bataan, a cadet of the Philippine National Police Academy from the MASIDTALAK CLASS OF 2023, and the first platoon leader of Delta Company. I strive to increase my knowledge and skills to serve my future people and the general public more effectively. Phase 2 of the Cadet Attachment Program station immersion phase was completed at Olongapo City Police Station 3. I am making the most of my time and efforts to gain as much helpful information as possible for the future. My career will progress more smoothly if I can successfully apply the acquired skills and knowledge to this program. It is mine to employ in the future to guide my men along the correct path to excellence. I will use the utmost caution when selecting my future decisions and course of action as a result of the fact that everyone who observes the consequence of every move I make will be a reflection of my leadership. I want to be careful about what I do and what path I am going through.
       Setting an example of the behavior, beliefs, and work ethic you want your team to exhibit is known as "leading by example." You can accomplish this by being intentional with your words, deeds, and actions. You must lead by example if you want your team to be accountable, responsible, and hardworking. Follow corporate policies and procedures. Those leaders who do so demonstrate to their staff their dedication to abiding by rules and regulations. Be a moral leader. Leaders that are trustworthy and open about their decision-making develop respect and trust within their team. Support and promote learning. The value of ongoing education is demonstrated by leaders who show a keen interest in and encourage the professional development of their teams. By setting an excellent example for their team, developing trust, and fostering success at work, leaders may set a favorable tone for their organization.
       By remembering plebe knowledge, "What is Cadetship?" It is the grim struggle of winning supremacy over oneself. You are aware that you have overcome a lot and that there is no time to give up and regret; you will not be weak. I have proved that every difficulty has a conclusion and a time to relax and enjoy success or failure. Always keep in mind that you should be successful in your endeavors. Make sure there is no time to waste and effort to put into nothing. All sacrifices will be worth it, and you will learn from the values the Academy imparted to us. Achieving all of these values, someday I will be a good Police Commissioned Officer needed by the community.
       I want to give thanks to my friends whom I depended on back in the day, to my mentors, professors, and upperclassmen that shared their experiences that I can use in my future journey as a leader, and to my family that had given me inspiration and strength in my everyday life even before I entered the Academy and during my struggling days as a PNPA Cadet and most especially to the Almighty who guide me from all my decisions and extended his arms out wide to me when I need divine guidance.
       With my motto: "In everything we do, we shall do it for the glory of GOD." - 1 COR 10:30
       -CdtBigs                            C-23045

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