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Visit to the Regional Training Center 3

Date: January 24, 2023, at about 9:30 AM

“Bodily exercise, when compulsory, does not harm the body; but knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind.” – Plato[1]

The members of MASIDTALAK class of 2023, immersed in Police Regional Office 3, rendered a courtesy visit to Regional Training Center 3, with the leadership of PCOL LENBELL JAMBARO FABIA, Chief, RTC 3.

The Region 3 cadets gave their words of encouragement to the PSBRC Batch 2021-04 "MAGILAS." To provide advice and boost their morale to fuel their service to God and the county.

Our upper class then discussed the cadets of Region 3 of MASIDTALAK class of 2023, their experiences, and the wisdom they had gained from those experiences. During their time as cadets, they were exposed to many occasions that were strikingly similar to one another. Even though the billeting and certain restrictions are different or have changed as time has passed, the traditions and memories of their time spent as cadets are still relatively similar.

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is SUCCESS.” - Henry Ford[2]

As I speak to the PSBRC Batch 2021-04 "MAGILAS," I have shared my life motto, guiding them to the proper road throughout their training, even after graduating and entering the field. My motto is "Whatever we do, we do it for the glory of God," and I try to live by it. I have used it as a guide throughout my years as an underclass, and I continue to use it even now when making decisions. I have told my friends that to be successful in the things you desire the most, you need to consider how God would have intended them to be done. Always seek his advice, and he will point you in the direction of the best course of action.

Regional Training Centers (RTCs) are facilities that are run by the Philippine National Police (PNP), where police officers receive training in a variety of areas, including firearms proficiency, crowd control, human rights, and other specialized skills. These facilities are known as Regional Training Centers (RTCs). The Regional Training Centers (RTCs) are an essential component of the Philippine National Police's (PNP) attempts to professionalize its personnel and improve their capabilities since they train police officers at the regional level.

RTCs typically provide courses ranging from the most fundamental to the most advanced levels of training. This is done to ensure that police officers have the knowledge and abilities required to carry out their responsibilities most effectively and productively as possible. Training programs are developed to cater to the particular requirements of the regional police force to equip officers with the most up-to-date strategies and most effective procedures applicable to their respective areas of responsibility.

Practical training facilities, like firing ranges, obstacle courses, and fake scenarios, are frequently available at RTCs. These facilities allow officers to put the knowledge and abilities they have gained in the classroom to use in a setting that is both realistic and difficult.

It is essential to the overall efficiency of the police force that RTCs are successful in their efforts to provide quality training for officers. RTCs contribute to the growth of public trust and confidence in the police force by ensuring that officers receive adequate training and equipment. Additionally, they help to encourage professionalism and accountability within the police force itself.



[1] Plato. (n.d.). 15 inspirational learning and training quotes. SkyPrep. Retrieved January 30, 2023, from [2] Ford, H. (201 C.E., April 11). Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, and working together is a success. Gulf Fire. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from


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