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Collecting Fingerprint

Date: January 25, 2023, at about 3:00 PM

"No two fingers prints are alike."[1]

I was observing the actual collection of fingerprints of the arrested person, conducted by Pat Zapanta in Olongapo City Police Station 3.

The ten-print card must be accomplished clean and clear to be submitted to the PNP Crime Laboratory for cross-matching through the use of AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System).

Automated Fingerprint Identification System is what the abbreviation AFIS stands for. It is a computer-based system that is used for the aim of storing, comparing, and analyzing fingerprints to identify individuals. The Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) is widely utilized by various organizations, including law enforcement agencies, to reliably and rapidly identify persons based on their particular fingerprints. [2]

An AFIS system is often made up of a database of digitized fingerprints and a set of algorithms that can compare the fingerprints in the database to those of a suspect or unknown person. To build a one-of-a-kind mathematical representation of the fingerprints, which is referred to as a template and may be used for comparison purposes, the system analyzes the numerous patterns and properties of the fingerprints.

When a collection of fingerprints is given to an AFIS system, the system will look through its database to see if it can identify a match for the fingerprints. If a game is discovered, the system will provide the identity of the person whose fingerprints were found to be a match.

Fingerprint impressions:

1. Fingerprint should be rolled appropriately and in the proper sequence.

2. Fingerprint should be at the center of each designated rolled and plain print box, not touching or going beyond the individual box boundary lines.

3. Each rolled fingerprint must be clear and can be classified! Identified.

4. Each rolled fingerprint must clearly show the pattern area, the core (the center), down to the delta/s, except the arches.

5. Boxes or boxes with a split thumbprint, webbed fingerprint, and different fingerprints should be cited or noted in the remarks provided on the other side of the fingerprint card. 6. Box or boxes with no rolled fingerprint must appear in a notation as "amputated," "with a fresh wound," and "with a bandage."

7. Box with the notation "left four fingers taken simultaneously" should be with the left four fingerprints clearly showing their correct individual height differences. (This formation aids the examiner in checking the proper sequence of the left-hand rolled fingerprints).

8. Boxes with the notation "right four fingers taken simultaneously" should with the right four fingerprints clearly showing their correct individual height differences. (This formation aids the examiner in checking the proper sequence of the right-hand rolled fingerprints).

9. Boxes with the notation "left thumb" and "right thumb" should show plain impressions of the correct thumb and right thumb fingers.[3]

The use of AFIS technology has resulted in a significant increase in both the speed and accuracy of fingerprint recognition. As a result, this technology has become an essential resource for law enforcement agencies investigating crimes and determining who the suspects are. Additionally, it is utilized frequently in the conduct of background checks, the regulation of immigration, and various other activities that call for the recognition of fingerprints.



[1] “No Two Finger Prints Are Alike” – Fingerprinting in the Modern World. (n.d.). Retrieved from

[2] AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) - FAQs. (n.d.). Retrieved from

[3] of Investigation, F. B. (n.d.). The Science of Fingerprints. In The Science of Fingerprints.


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