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Providing Police Presence and Connecting with the Community

Date: January 15, 2023, at about 9:30 AM

“We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men." – Herman Melville[1]

During the patrolling, I witnessed the community connection with the police officers. The community highly respects the police. As long as they are not involved in criminal activities and be friendly and approachable, the police will maintain a decent image projected in the community.

Patrol and police presence are significant parts of the Philippine National Police (PNP) because they are vital in preserving peace and order, promoting public safety, and avoiding crime. These are all goals that the PNP strives to achieve. The presence of police personnel on patrol can deter criminal activity, lowering the probability that crimes will be committed. In addition, police officers on patrol can respond rapidly to urgent situations, such as accidents, fires, or crimes still in progress.

“The advertising man is a liaison between the products of business and the nation's mind. He must know both before he can serve either.”[2] It is crucial that you can seek assistance from other organizations for problems that the police force needs aid with. Through increased police visibility, you can also offer protection as a patrolling officer. You can reassure the general populace that they are safe and deter criminal activity in your neighborhood by being there.

The public's trust and confidence in law enforcement can increase when officers make themselves visible in their community. This, in turn, fosters a spirit of cooperation and collaboration between the community and law enforcement. This has the potential to result in the formation of a safer and more secure society, which in turn can result in the economy's expansion and growth.

We conducted roving inside malls and visited the mall's security office to check the integrity and activities of the security officers of the malls in our area of responsibility. I learned that you must know the functional networks for your community. As a leader, you must be close to them to create good relationships and a good image for the police service. They will benefit you as to security and safety, and they will be beneficial for you in terms of support and information you will need in the future. Although the general public can serve as an informant—I like to refer to them as the walking CCTV—their cooperation is required for better and more timely information to resolve crimes and other issues.

In general, patrol and police presence are vital components of the PNP's attempts to ensure public safety and order; the importance of these aspects in promoting a safe and secure society cannot be understated.



[1] Goodreads. (n.d.). A quote by Herman Melville. Goodreads. Retrieved January 29, 2023, from [2] Glenn Frank quote. A. (n.d.). Retrieved January 29, 2023, from


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