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PNP Ethics Day Celebration with PGEN NICANOR A BARTOLOME (RET)

Date: January 16, 2023, at about 6:30 AM

"Ethics" can also refer to the philosophical study of correct and wrong moral behavior. The final one may connect to specific religions, cultures, occupations, or practically any other group that is at least in part distinguished by its moral attitude.

Members of the Olongapo City Police Office, led by PCOL CARLITO UDANI GRIJALDO, City Director, OCPO, attended the Monday Flag Raising Ceremony with our guest of honor and speaker, PGEN NICANOR A BARTOLOME (RET.). He shared talks about the ethics of the police service. He shared his career path from his past assignment to being the Chief of the Philippine National Police. He emphasized proper etiquette at home, Office, and field. In his guidance, he said that as police officers, we must know all of the work, not only in the office works but also in field operations. So that when in need, as police, we are bounded to serve the community. Then, if you are knowledgeable, you can perform your duty properly.

Police ethics refers to a system of moral values generally accepted as professional standards in policing. In policing, ethics includes allegiance, honesty, loyalty, and courage. [1]

The standards of conduct and behavior expected of law enforcement personnel in their professional and personal lives are called police ethics. Order to retain the public's faith and confidence in the police entails using moral principles and values to direct decision-making and actions.

Police personnel must adhere to an ethical code of conduct built around core principles, including responsibility, fairness, respect for the law, honesty, and integrity. These principles are crucial for ensuring that police personnel protects the integrity of the criminal justice system, behave by the law, and respect the rights of citizens.

"Without ethics, man has no future. This is to say, humanity without them cannot be itself. Ethics determine choices and actions and suggest difficult priorities." [2] When it comes to doing what is right and just in our line of work, ethics is the only accurate advice that can be found. In any given circumstance, a leader needs to be able to demonstrate decisiveness and dependability. He must make a morally sound judgment and consider the interests of the people he leads, not only in our work for the police but also in our family. If any of us has the potential to take on a leadership role in the family, it is expected upon us to make decisions that are both morally and legally sound. It is for the sake of our family that there is harmony within the family and that there are no conflicts or issues.

For the sake of our future wives and children, we must practice ethics within our marriage to be considered decent husbands. Remember that your strength lies in your wife and children, and you should prioritize your time and attention on them above all else. They will be the source of your calm during the trying periods in your professional life, and when the time comes for you to retire, they will be the people to whom you turn for support.

In addition to reporting wrongdoing or unethical activity by other officers, avoiding conflicts of interest, maintaining confidentiality, and pursuing ongoing professional development, police officers are responsible for upholding police ethics.

In general, police ethics is essential for establishing and sustaining public faith in law enforcement and ensuring that police follow the law and carry out their obligation to protect and serve.



[1] Xplore. (n.d.). John Berger quotes. BrainyQuote. Retrieved January 29, 2023, from

[2],is%20’doing%20the%20right%20thing. (n.d.).,is%20’doing%20the%20right%20thing.


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